Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Exodus - The Landing

Today's drive was only 8 hours, which was lucky, since I slept in til 10 from pure exhaustion.  I did find out today that Massachusetts drivers are idiots.  They are what 2F drivers are to people in Madison County, and what 1J drivers are to everyone else in the state of Idaho.  Unfortunately, they are my neighbors, so I'm sure I'll see a lot of them!

I'm officially in Rhode Island and as soon as I crossed the border, "Happy," by Pharell Williams came on the radio.  I'm trying to take that as a good omen, especially because I'm happy I'll see less Massachusetts drivers while in RI.

When I drove into the city of Providence, I thought, "oh shit!  I've gnawed off more than I can chew!"  I didn't feel much better when I drove by the hospital campus because it's huge!  In fact they have a separate hospital for moms and babies, one for kiddos, and at least 2 for adults.  Absolutely mind boggling to me.  Here I am on a side street after checking out the hospital campus:

I met the landlady, Gail and was so relieved that the apartment was not only legit, but rather nice.  Her son downstairs doesn't look like a rapist or a murderer.  Plus, both of them are so thin, I made strategic mental notes about how to beat the crap out of them if the need arose. 

I was feeling pretty good about the situation until I went upstairs and noticed what she had taped on my door.  Look at the middle note:

How am I supposed to protect myself from murderers and/or rapists if I can't put anything in front of the door!  I then reminded myself that Gail and her son are too skinny to be murderers, so odds are pretty good I'll survive for a while.  I have worried that someone who has stayed here before me might have made a copy of the keys so they could come back and violate someone tasty like me, but it just freaks me out, so I'm trying to think of something else.

After unpacking, I tried on some goggles my friend Alyssa gave me for the beach...

As I stood there taking my selfie, I thought it would be nice to get kinky with my lover since there's a huge mirror by the bed.  However, I remembered he's a damn prude, so even if he was here, he'd probably cover it up with a blanket or something.

All told, not a bad 2500 mile trip and I'm trying to remain upbeat about my adventure.  To all my friends in Idaho, please drive by my house occasionally to see if it's still standing.  If you notice my kids or lover around town, hug them for me.  And seriously, can someone come visit?  I have a lovely second bedroom for you...

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