After the suit debacle, I realized I needed to plan for the upcoming toll roads. Here I am in Iowa City. Notice the parking meter?
It was Saturday and I still had to feed the meter! In addition, I pulled out 20 bucks in mixed coin and bills and spent it already on the toll roads today. Now I have to pull out more cash for my last day. I miss you po dunk Idaho Falls where parking is free and so is the open road.
My third trial of the day? Wind. Wind that blew my car around. In fact, more wind than I've ever had the pleasure to endure. I thought southeast Idaho was windy, but we got nothing compared to Nebraska and Illinois. Just outside of Chicago, I stopped to gas up and had my car door ripped out of my hand by said wind, and had to hang on for dear life to keep from blowing away during fill up...
No, I'm not looking down. This is a straight up normal selfie with the wind doing its worst. I know Chicago is called the Windy City, but I guess I'm self centered and thought I had it rough in Idaho. Plus, I've been in Chicago before but had so many other things I hated about that place, that I must have overlooked the stupid wind.
Fourth incident? Snow. Snow which started in Illinois, and continued through all of Ohio and part of Pennsylvania. In Ohio, the roads were so bad in some places, that traffic was moving at 45 MPH on the freeway. I actually felt right at home. I thought Idaho was one of the few states that frequently enjoys blizzard conditions this late in the season, but boy was I wrong! Unfortunately, since I planned incorrectly for such bullcrap, I had the wrong shoes on:
Oh well. My only other complaint is that my stupid heart is now consistently skipping beats again, yet I have only consumed one small soda in the last three days. I'm not having any pain, palpitations, or tachycardia, so I'm assuming I'm not going to drop dead anytime soon. However, I am rather put out that I'm going to have to go to a doctor's office like a regular person once I get to RI instead of having Internal Medicine at my old employer see me for free. Why couldn't this have come up two weeks ago?!
All in all I guess the trip so far hasn't been too bad. I miss my kids and lover. I miss my mommy, my daddy, and my stupid siblings. I miss lovely Idaho...but not as much as I'm going to...
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