Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Rage Renewed

I've been so busy these last two months since starting my second semester of my post masters, that I haven't had time to do much else besides study.  Unfortunately, this means I haven't had time for my home renovations either.  I promised Hannah last summer when I ripped her door off to refinish it, that I would definitely have it done in just a few weeks...  That was nearly 18 months ago.  The poor thing sits in my garage, so close to being done, yet so very far away.  Hannah stopped complaining about it so much once I hung a sheet over the gaping hole to her room, but I know for a fact she would like to have something more solid to change her underpants behind.  Sorry Hannah.  You have only yourself to blame for being born.  You know exactly what I am like and that my projected finish date for a project is at least 2 years longer than I say it will be.  That means, your door should be done in like 6 months.  It could be worse, Hannah.  Your door could be my dining room:

That's my most recent pic of Jared doing some work and we weren't even working on the stupid dining room!  I got started with that project in January with the goal of having it done by the time my parents and sister got here in June.  Well, here we are in October, and I am only slightly further along than I was in June!  I told Jared very clearly a few weeks ago that I want to be finished by Thanksgiving when his brother comes to visit.  However, let's not kid ourselves.  Thanksgiving is like a month away which means I have absolutely no chance of meeting my goal.  Nevertheless, because I spoke the goal out loud and Jared said, "ok.  we'll get it done,"  I now have a scapegoat for my unhappiness when the project sits unfinished during the holidays.  Having a scapegoat to blame and deride is nice because it helps you feel better about being an asshat yourself.  Trust me on this.  I do it all the time...

One nice thing about not having time to work on my projects is that I forget about how much I hate Maria.  You know, the lady who owned the house before me?  Whenever I can dedicate some time to a project, it just reminds me what a tool she was, and gives me hours of things to complain about.  I had forgotten for a while what a dink she was until I decided to work on this:

That's the wall leading into my kitchen.  See the bulge in front of Bub's fingers?  That sucker has been bugging me since I moved in.  I've had a lot of theories about what might be going on under there, but finally decided that since I am getting close to being done with the entryway, I didn't want to put a nice coat of paint on that hallway to the kitchen without fixing that bulge.  Plus, Maria had like three different pieces of baseboard tapped on that wall so I needed to do some cosmetic work anyway.  I had the solution for the bulge all worked out in my mind and pounded my screwdriver into the mess to see if I was right.  I was not.

Forgive Bub's fingers.  She can't seem to leave me alone.  Turns out Maria had a piece of molding under the bulge that was being used as a kind of feathering tool I guess.  I stood there scratching my head trying to figure that one out for a while, then got busy ripping it down.  Jared was gone when I got started and to prove that he really only gets mad about the projects that endanger his pooping or showering habits, here's all he said when he came in and saw me ankle deep in plaster:

Since Jared's a pretty good old bird, he started helping me with the remainder of my wall destruction.  We soon discovered Maria had hammered a piece of sheetrock over the original lathe and plaster, which then made a ledge on the wall, which then necessitated the molding feathering tool.  However, we couldn't figure out the reason for the extra piece of sheetrock in the first place... that is until we finished ripping off the sheetrock to the abutting wall:

If you can't tell, the sheetrock they used on the opposing well is sticking out further than the wall leading to my kitchen.  Instead of trimming that extra sheetrock, they just added another piece of sheetrock to my hallway wall to try and match the two up.  I'm guessing after they got that taken care of, they had no idea what to do about the area of the wall that was now higher than the rest, so used the molding to help them feather the bulge in an attempt to blend it into the existing wall.  FAIL!  Maria and friends, I hope I don't ever see you again.  Seriously.  You are a dink.  Thankfully, Jared and I knew exactly what to do and were actually pleasantly surprised at how easy this repair is going to be when we finish it.  Here we are with the opposing wall all trimmed.

That's right.  Suck it Maria.  You are slowly fading and eventually I will have replaced all traces of you and I will only be left with my own idiocy -  which is much easier for me to swallow anyway!  See Hannah?  Don't worry.  I'm gonna get my dining room/entry way project done and it's gonna look super good.  I'm even gonna get your door done.  I swear it's only gonna be a few more months.  Give or take another 2 years...

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