Along the road, Bubba Facetimed me. I stuck the phone up so she could see my face while I drove. She said, "I wondered if you would be in your car driving around, but I just wanted to see your face." I'm not exactly sure when my five year old started talking like a grown up weirdo, but I like her and I like that she would rather look at my face while I talk instead of just listening to my voice. We chatted along as I drove and when she got sick of me, she told me she had an important video game to get back to and promptly hung up on me. She wasted about 15 minutes of my drive to "Woost-er - Woost-er Mass" and that was nice.
Know what SUCKS about Worcester? You have to pay to park at the public library. Just how "public" can a place be if you charge people to get into it? I personally think all this paying for parking nonsense over here is ridiculous, but since I really needed to get into the library, I paid the tab and wandered in, but not before I took a Snapchat detailing how I felt about my experience...
Did I find Sarah? Yes. But I only found out what I already knew - that she died in Camden, Maine. However, it looks like some idiot might have her death date wrong so I guess that's something. Unfortunately, I still haven't seen actual proof of her body anywhere, nor did I find anything substantial about her jerk husband, so I guess the search continues.
After spending a couple of hours in the "public" library, I decided that I deserved some ice cream from another Massachusetts town that I like to say - Swansea. This one sounds pretty close to how it looks but the locals say it "Swanzee" and again, I just like the way they say it. I was nearly to "Swanzee - Swanzee Mass" when I realized that it had been raining all day and that I probably needed a real umbrella more than I needed an ice cream cone. I detoured to Target in Lincoln, Rhode Island and purchased a pretty, pink polka-dotted number. I've owned a few umbrellas over the years, but we just don't get the rain in Idaho and Utah (my main residences) that they get in the East. I've been through quite a few rainstorms in the last seven months and they can be quite impressive. I derived no small amount of joy from my new umbrella because I LOVE umbrellas and know that it's going to get a lot of use. I wished I had a nice pair of rubber boots to jump in puddles with, but had to be content looking down with disdain on all the umbrella-less fools getting drenched as they ran from their cars to the stores I visited today. Amateurs.
After getting home, I showed off my umbrella to the frat house residents and they all pretended to give a damn, which I appreciated. Then, we scarfed some delicious buffalo chicken mac and cheese that I made and now I'm sitting around waiting for my moron brother to call me so that I can complain about how I'm sick of trying to locate Sarah and Joseph when they obviously prefer their privacy and maybe we should just leave them in peace.... Not a bad day I say. The only downside? I'm now wishing I had gone to "Swanzee - Swanzee Mass" with my new umbrella so that I could have used it to keep the ice cream that I didn't get from the Ice Cream Barn dry...
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