Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Oh That Accent...

One of the absolutely best things about living on the East Coast are the accents I get to listen to every day.  I feel like I'm in a mobster movie or at least a bad commercial for an Italian meatball sub.  I have stopped giggling when someone with a thick accent talks to me, but that doesn't mean I'm enjoying it any less.  One of my patient's husbands asked me the other day where I was from because I had an accent.  I scoffed at his insolence and reminded him that HE was the one with the accent!  Two of my favorite people with accents work in the lab at my office:  Andrea and Camille.  I eavesdrop on these suckers all the time because I love the way they sound.  As a bonus, they are lunatics that really enjoy each other's company, so their conversations are filled with endless slang and teasing.  They are teaching me all the important things I need to say and do to fit in better here and I appreciate them.  Listen to this bit Andrea let me record today.  It doesn't matter what she's talking about, just listen to her beautiful accent and imagine how much I enjoy listening to everything she says...

The other great thing about the East is that they are very lovely people, but only if you don't mind initiating most of the conversations at first.  The eye contact on the street with strangers is minimal, and they certainly don't try to talk to everyone they see like we often do in the West.  However, if you put yourself out there, they will talk your ears off and will help you with anything you need to know.  There's also no such thing as a whisper out here, at least for those with Eastern accents.  I love how loud they are, I fit right in.  They are also very blunt so don't look for them to soften any kind of news.  You're gonna get it right in the face buddy!  Best of all, you can insult just about anyone you like and they will not only not be offended, but might just like you even better.  This has been fabulous for a gal like me!  Take this order that Camille gave Andrea to take to Whole Foods for lunch.  Pay attention to the flip off picture and the wording the arrows point to under (no shell)...

Andrea and I stepped up to the counter and ordered Camille's lunch first.  She just gave the lady the list, called her honey, then told her to follow the order.  As an afterthought, she told her not to be offended by Camille's picture, nor the insult at the top.  The lady laughed, made the food, then waited for Andrea's order.  Andrea said, "ok honey, I do want the shell with my taco salad."  The lady responded by making sure that Andrea really did want the shell, to which I said, "Yeah asshole, because she ain't on a diet!"  We all laughed hysterically.  Nearly every day of my life in the East has been filled with wonderful interactions like this.  I have truly found my Mecca...


  1. Just add one husband and 5 rug rats and you're life will be perfect there.

  2. Sounds like my kind of people. How do you think they'd react to a car tagging?
