1. Cheese and fruit.
After consuming nearly two pounds of strawberries, I decided to dig into a cheese I've heard tall tales about but have never tried...
And here's me whiffing:
Does Limburger smell? You bet it does. When I got home I wondered what stunk so bad in my apartment. Then I realized I had brought the smell in with me and it was the Limburger. I have also noted the same butt crack aroma when opening my fridge since getting home. Again, it's the Limburger. Is the smell worth it?
That's an affirmative. The thing I find amazing about queso is that most of the time the really foul nuggets don't taste anything like their smell. I enjoyed Limburger just as much as nearly every other nasty cheese I've had the pleasure to meet. Two thumbs up!
2. Main course
I forced myself to not buy a lobster today. Not because I am tired of them, but because I wanted to leave room in my guts for my three course meal. I get pretty full eating a 2 pound lobster and reminded myself I live in New England - plenty of lobsters lady - give it a rest today... After turning my back on the delicious lobsters wandering around in the lobster tank I spied these instead:
Obviously they didn't look like that when I bought them, but tasty no? Little white wine, little garlic and onion.... Delicious. Two thumbs up for the bivalves.
3. Dessert
One of the things I enjoy about living alone, is that it's liberating buying the things that I never let my kids eat. Case in point?
Yep. Lucky Charms. They are just as trashy as when I was young, but also yummy in a disgusting sort of way. The only thing that would make them better? Getting rid of those stupid oat cereal bits. Why can't I just have a bowl of the marshmallows? Don't try to tell me the oat pieces add anything of real nutritional value to the party. For exactly 2 seconds I considered picking out all the marshmallows and ditching the oat bits as I often longed to do as a child. However, my extreme laziness took over and I just couldn't bring myself to invest a second longer preparing my meal, so I consumed them as God intended.
Verdict? Random dinners rule, but I gotta enjoy them while I can because I cannot have this type of meal once my kids come out here. I'm the mom. I have to be the example; the pillar of my family... What am I doing now? Digesting my meal with a nice cup of coffee.
And by coffee I mean a tall glass of Diet Cherry Coke Zero. I know. I'm truly a five star chef and the epitome of class...