Friday, September 23, 2016

Booty Call

My house in Idaho was supposed to close last Monday, but there's been a problem with my buyer's appraisal.  As such, we found out it might take another month to find out if the house is finally sold or not.  I've been feeling pretty depressed about how long this process has been taking to sell my old gal and when you combine that with how lonely I feel without my lover and gremlins around, well, let's just say I'm pretty miserable.  I've been listening to a lot of Sam Smith lately because his mournful crooning seems to match my ugly mood.  I even downloaded "Make it To Me," and have been playing it over and over as the mantra for my solitude.  I found out recently that Mr Smith is gay, which means he's begging for Mr. Right to find him.  Interestingly, I am also begging for my Mr. Right to find me.  For a while, I felt sorry for both me AND Sam Smith until I realized that Sam can't ever find true happiness because I already found the sexiest Mr. Right there ever will be.  I then decided to feel sorry for just Sam Smith and his horrible loss.  Good luck finding someone perfect to "Make it to You," buddy, it's just not going to happen with Jared off the market, and that's truly a tragedy my sad little friend...

In the midst of my disappointment and with too much Sam Smith on replay, I got to go to a conference in Atlanta, GA for work this week.  Guess who flew in to spend time with me:

Yep.  That's me and my sex riding on the MARTA just after he flew in.  I'll spare you the gory details about all the naked time we may or may not have spent together and instead discuss that this was the second time Jared and I have visited Atlanta, and I have decided I like that city quite a bit.  For starters, they have a fabulous public transit system that is inexpensive and convenient.  Jared and I rode all over that muggy town and did the other main thing we like to do together...  EAT!  As proof, here's the fat man enjoying an Arepa.  They were delicious BTW...

We also paid a visit to Martin Luther King and his lovely wife Coretta this visit.  I'm ashamed to admit that I did not know that MLK was buried in Atlanta.  Nor did I know that his church was the Ebenezer Baptist Church.  Nor did I know that he also has an eternal flame like JFK near his grave that I missed despite standing by the tomb and which my jerk lover didn't point out to me!  Know what else?  He sits on a pool of water.  I was kind of jealous, but then remembered that he was sort of a big deal during the Civil Rights Movement and probably deserved something a little special for his resting place.  Here the love birds are...

And the original church MLK gave sermons in:

We also walked around the museum where some of his artifacts are housed and enjoyed the AC because man - Atlanta sucks worse than Little Rhody for humidity!  I love the National Parks!  Mostly because I forget stuff about our Nation's history and it's always good to remember the sacrifices others have made to make our world a better and more interesting place.

Know what else made me love Atlanta this time around? 

I didn't know how much I loved fountain soda drinks until I moved to the East and found a dearth of good soda flavors in the state God intended them to be consumed in.  Rhode Islanders are so busy drinking coffee like a bunch of lunatics that they have overlooked the finer things in life...  AKA Diet Dr. Pepper.  I went back to this lovely fountain on the day I flew out and was in pure heaven.  Thank you Atlanta.

I'm back in RI...  Alone again...  but trying to be cool about it.  I have some other irons in the fire if my house deal falls through so I'm trying hard to think positive things about my future.  I will admit that I listened to "Make it To Me," about five times on the flight home tonight and fantasized about being back together again with my lover on a permanent basis.  It was a nice fantasy.  I also found myself hoping that Sam Smith had a good booty call this week like me.  Sometimes a good booty call is the only thing that keeps a person going...  Even if the best man is already taken.  Sorry Sam... Again...

1 comment:

  1. For a second, I thought you were going to talk about visiting the Coke museum. That is a fun place. But, no. You were just getting a fix like any other addict.
