Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Have I Been Under a Rock?!

I love to eat.  I especially love to try new foods from new places or cultures and have tried to teach my kids to love experimenting as well.  We have a rule when we go on vacation that we cannot eat in chain restaurants or in places that are similar to restaurants near home.  Additionally, when eating ethnic foods, I try to dine in places where I fear for my safety (the skankier the better) and where there are few if any white people inside.  My rationale is that if the proprietors don't care about the decor, they have more time to focus on delicifying my food.  As for the white folk thought?  Well, if an ethnic restaurant has to dumb down their food so masses of white people will eat it, I assume it just won't please me as it should.

I feel like this strategy has paid off particularly well when it comes to my Mexican food intake.  I've tried loads of fantastic Mexican food and do a fair job recreating it in my own kitchen.  I believed I had a pretty good handle on this genre as a whole until I heard about Chocoflan.  One of our medical assistants is from Mexico and brought some in.  I tried a bite and was astounded by how delicious it was!  Flan on top of chocolate cake?!  I asked if you made the flan first and then added it to a cake but she assured me it was baked together.  I wanted to call her a liar but considering she's from Mexico, I figured it was possible she might know a thing or two about Mexican desserts.

Given that I sort of believed Gabby but sort of believed she was making it all up, I googled "Chocoflan" when I got home from work.  It just so happens that Chocoflan is very real and very popular.  I felt betrayed by the whole Mexican nation!  Why are they wasting time offering me chicharrones and delicious posole when they could have pulled out the big guns?!  Even more strange, all the recipes said to pour your flan liquid on top of your cake batter which will sink during baking.  When you flip the cake over, the flan ends up back on top!  I thought the recipes might be lying too, but I tried it myself and I'll be damned if it didn't work!

I tried making the delicious enigma for our Boise State/BYU game day meal.  Even though stupid BYU won, I almost didn't notice because of the Chocoflan.  I kept bugging Kayley to get me more so I could sit on my butt and swear at the TV every time the Y pissed me off.  Here's a sample:

That jerk wouldn't get me more Chocoflan, but she did take a pic of me enjoying the second slice I got off my fat can for:

She also took the time to text me back several variations of the pic, the following being her favorite:

 I still don't know how I missed this perfect slice of pure genius despite eating all the Mexican cuisine I can possibly get my mouth around.  However, now that I know, I want you all to know...  I LOVE CHOCOFLAN!

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