Saturday, March 19, 2016

Some Friend

I'm sure most folks know I'm getting pretty excited for my new adventure in Rhode Island.  I've heard a lot of great things about the people there and have come to understand that I'm going to fit in well.  

My greatest source of information about Rhode Island has been my friend, Alyssa, who is from Warwick originally.  She and her jerk husband are the only folks who blab about how awful Rhode Island is and how much I will hate living there.  They also spend an inordinate amount of time telling me how inappropriate I am, especially when discussing my beloved blog posts.

Despite their unfounded abuse, I still spend time with them on a regular basis and even paid for carnitas and banana splits tonight prior to my exodus to the east.  Those lunatics stole my phone after my generous act and left me many choice pics.  The best being this one:

Umm.  What was that you were saying about The Ocean State and her inhabitants?  I cannot see a single downside to leaving if everyone over there is like Alyssa.  I truly have found my motherland.  Peace out spuds.

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