You see, my brother got himself a kitty cat named Harvey recently and my teens think they deserve one too. Jared and I adopted a no animal policy about two years ago after a long stretch of really horrible pets. I'm not kidding. It's like we had the exorcist movie in animal form playing on a loop in our house! Crazy cats that burrowed into crawl spaces and then snarled, clawed, and chomped on your arms and neck if you tried to get them out. Or how about several breeds of dogs and cats leaking out of every orifice and onto every surface EXCEPT in litter boxes or outside on the lawn? We owned one cat I liked enough to pay actual money to spay and she disappeared! I became convinced we were cursed and our home possessed by evil animal karma of some sort. I guess I could have hired a priest to perform an exorcism, but since I'm cheap, we decided just to outlaw every animal in our house except the five female human ones we were already stuck with.
Flashback to the dinner table where I was accosted for the umpteenth time about getting a stupid kitty. When I outlined yet again how I had no desire to play cat turd hide and seek, Kayley said, "Don't worry, I'll train the cat!" I didn't quite catch on at first, but I got it eventually. She meant she would teach the kitty how to use the litter box!
The bedlam that ensued was incredible. Jared pretended to dig in a litter box while talking the kitty through its dump. I wisely told Kayley it would be like herding cats. All the other girls just laughed. Here's Kayley hiding her face and feeling sheepish indeed:
I pointed out to Kaykey that kitties are a lot like human babies - Their mommy has to teach them all the important stuff from the get go or they are ruined, snarling, messes that can't use a litter box even if you show them one! See Kayley? Your mommy just blogged about something really embarassing to teach you that I may have run out of cheese, but I still come out on top when the kitty litter hits the fan!
Our newest kitty was orphaned at like 6 weeks. The people we got her from had trained her to use a specific spot under their deck to do it's business and when we got her we took her to the litter box and scratched her paws in the kitty litter and she will use it unless it is full. So some cat's can be trained.
ReplyDeleteI used to have a strict no animal rule but then we bought a house and were having a mice problem. Our animals need to serve a purpose ie eggs, mice control, sunday dinner, breeding etc otherwise they don't pull their weight and I end up throwing money I don't really have at them.