Sunday, December 27, 2015


Due to some major life changes I have coming up, I'm in a hurry to complete my bathroom renovations.  I now have all three ripped up in some area or another.  Here's the middle tub I'm trying to fix:

Since the upstairs bathroom is totally out of commission, and I had the brilliant idea to recaulk the downstairs shower, I had no place to wash my crevices today.  As such, Jared and I ran to the YMCA to take a shower.  

This sounded like a really great idea until I realized how awful it is to leave the house  in Idaho Falls right now.  Awful, because it's colder than a witches tit!  Just how cold is that?  Cold enough to explode 10 soda cans in the back of my van after I left them there to hide them from my kleptomaniac kids!  Cold enough that my ovaries shrivel just a bit when I step outside.  Cold enough that it was only 0 degrees at 1 pm when we left to cleanse our filth!

My elder girls refuse to shower at the Y.  Hannah feels like she will be murdered in the showers, and Kayley likes her privacy.  What are they blabbing about?  These are first class accommodations!

They have been showering at my mom's or my brother's for the last 2 days.  Suit yourself I say!  Unfortunately, it was almost as cold inside the Y as out.  So cold in fact, that I doubted whether the water would ever get warm.  When it finally did, I didn't want to get back out of the shower!  I was caught in a conundrum until I remembered the sauna right in the shower area.  I strolled into that bad boy, naked as a jay bird, and figured that anyone who was also showering during the bitter cold of winter would understand.  I took in my underpants and let them crackle in the heat on the bench beside me while I began to dry almost instantaneously.  My hair nearly dried within about 5 minutes.  My buttcrack and lady bits dried out beautifully as well.  This was particularly delicious because I NEVER dry the inside of my butt.  I prefer the air dry technique over contaminating my towel for my next shower.  Dry butt crack was absolutely transcendent!  Check me out!

I let out an audible sigh!  As the hot air became more and more difficult to breathe, I decided to put on my scorching hot underpants.  It was sublime!  How is it that I have never considered the post-shower sauna before?!  Imagine how green I could be if I never needed another towel?!  I strolled out, just a little disappointed that no one else was around for me to share my new found gospel with, and got dressed.  I was so over toasty, that when we left for home, the cold drive didn't even faze me.

I don't care what my daughters think, I love you YMCA!  I'd come shower every day if it wasn't for my hubby.  I like to see him naked as often as possible, so daily showers just won't work for me.  How about every other Tuesday?...


  1. Is there nothing you will not post? At least a few less grafic description? I think that might have been a cowboy lecture in

  2. Listen Mommy, I'm trying to get famous. I'm committed to doing what's necessary to get the job done!
